Showing 29 of 29 results
"Arrow" Unbranded (Used)
£32.95 -
"G.P. Hughes 1929" (most likely) by RD Dodgson
£27.95 -
"Lawn Tennis Championship" by John Jellicoe
£39.95 -
"Russian Kneissl" (New) plus Cover
£39.95 -
"The Tennis Pro" Gary Patterson Print
£11.95 -
Bill Tilden Trim Card (Unused)
£22.95 -
British Hard Court Championships Ticket Book (1971)
£7.25 -
Donnay International Tennis Team (Unstrung, M5)
£28.95 -
Embassy Tennis Championships 1970
£7.25 -
Evonne Cawley Press Photo (Wimbledon 1976)
£6.25 -
Ilfracombe Hotel Letter (1889)
£8.45 -
International Intercollegiate Tennis by Fenno & Gordon
£54.95 -
Jo Durie Autograph (1991)
£2.45 -
Lawn Tennis for Match Players by William T Tilden (First Edition - 1933) with Dust Jacket
£22.95 -
Lawn Tennis: How to Improve Your Game (1925) by Kathleen 'Kitty' McKane
£19.95 -
Miss "Lottie" Dod Photo (1892)
£99.95 -
Tennis As I Play It (1916) by Maurice E. McLoughlin
£39.95 -
Tennis Buttons (Set of 7)
£22.95 -
Tennis Garden Party Press Photo (1948)
£9.95 -
Tennis Match Dice Game
£13.50 -
Tennis World Newsletters (x11)
£9.95 -
The Dunlop Lawn Tennis Almanack 1955 ed by GP Hughes
£25.95 -
Wildt & Kray Lady Player Card (Unused)
£6.45 -
Wimbledon 78 (Borg) First Day Cover
£5.95 -
Wimbledon Championships Programme (1932, Jun 30th)
£129.95 -
Wimbledon Championships Programme (1937, Jul 3rd, Final Day)
£129.95 -
Wimbledon Championships Programme (1949, Jun 29th, Day 9) plus Ticket
£29.95 -
Wimbledon Circular Wall Plaque x2
£8.95 -
Wimbledon Square Wall Plaque
Strawberries and cream, Miss Joan Hunter Dunn, the smell of freshly-mown grass and a cry of exasperation as one of your new tennis balls heads through the broken fence and into the river …… it could only be the nation’s favourite game (at least for a few weeks in June and July) – tennis! Check out the section for all manner of tennis-related delights!